Reduce Your Company’s Security Risk with these Tips

Cybersecurity Image

By Jennifer Adams

Complete security is impossible to guarantee, which is why organizations need to take every precaution to protect their network and data. Hackers are relentless and will take every opportunity to infiltrate a network. Here are 5 things our company does to guard our data and network against cyberattacks.

1. Keep Devices Updated!

          Even a small gap in your network is enough for a hacker to find a way in. Check regularly for available system updates and install them as needed. Not sure how? That’s what our managed IT providers are here for! We can install updates as needed, patch network vulnerabilities and respond to threats without clients needing to take any action.

2. Encrypt your data.

          This is an important, yet often forgotten step, even by large corporations such as Facebook. Never make the mistake of storing important data (passwords, social security numbers, credit card or banking information) in a normal-text file, such as Word. It makes it too easy for a hacker or even a disgruntled employee to access. Instead, use an IT documentation software - a multi-authentication system to limit access to your passwords and other important information.

3. Limit the number of login attempts.

          During a force attack, hackers use software that sends a blast of potential login credentials to your computer to access your accounts. By setting a limit on the number of attempts a user can make, you are minimizing the chances a hacker has of getting in.

4. Protect your business and data with a backup system.

          A data backup and disaster recovery system is a must for any business. Just think, how could your business operate if all your files and computer data were gone? A good backup system can save you weeks of downtime if a natural disaster, such as a fire, flood, or tornado, were to occur. Or if a cybercriminal was to hack into your system and wipe your hard drives clean.  

5. Train your team regularly!

          The best and newest cutting-edge technology isn’t enough if your team isn’t trained to spot security threats and how to respond to them. Can everyone on your team spot a phishing email? Do they know how to respond to it? Would they click on a random link before verifying the email is from a trusted sender? Do they know what could happen if you click on a malicious link? Taking time to train new employees on cybersecurity best practices and retrain current employees is just as important as investing in the right technology.

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